Monday 23 November 2015

Egg Baby

This week our class have a competition of taking care of an egg buddy it's for our Topic Me To We.

I had a shoe box for my eggs home she was called Meggie but unfortunately she died in the first day i put patting around the shoe box.

I think i was a bad parent but i'll get better you get prizes if you can make your egg survive for a week but we don't know 
                                    what the prizes are.

Should Santa Shave Or Not?

I believe that santa should not shave his beard.

Firstly all the kids that believe in Santa won't anymore because everyone knows that Santa has a beard. They will think theres a stranger sneaking into the house from the chimney in the middle of the night.

Secondly kids will think that it was never real it was just to believe in magic and they will find out it was their parents and Ms Claus is there mother.

Thirdly they will start to believe that the EasterBunny and the ToothFairy were never real and it was their parents.

Therefore I think Santa should not shave his beard for all the reasons above.